Saturday, April 9, 2011

Run like the Wind

30 mph gusts of wind at 4pm today, and I headed out for a run. the first 2 miles were horrid, I thought about turning around and calling it quits for the day, uphill and into the wind is not fun when you're trying to get into the groove of a longer run (anything over 8 to me is a longer run at this point - that may change as the season gets going, but for now, it is what it is.) Once I got to about 3 miles and turned up this trail (you can see the trail start off the road just beyond the first street of houses there in the middle) - things got better and I felt great. Running up true trails (not fire roads) is always a concentration act for me with my weak and unstable ankles (lovely result of too many rolls and sprains from years of volleyball). I loved this today! Even with the wind trying to beat me down, it felt great to run. There are some days that it just feels so great to be out there. This is the view from the top of Ridgegate in Lone Tree, Elevation 6280 - mile 3.5 of 9.5). I ran up and down it, then over to the Bluffs Regional park and did that loop.
Here's the view from the top of the Bluffs (mile 6 of 9.5). When it's clear you can see the snow capped mountains in the distance. I think all the wind has so much dust, and dirt, and whatever else, in the air that the view is not very clear.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I tried to jog from my neighbor's house to my house (1 house) and hurt like crazy. Not ready to join you, yet. But soon! ~Julia
