Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This is where I get to Ride

When I signed up for this Ironman thing, it was ONLY because time-wise I felt I could do it without taking time away from my first and most important job of being a mom. 4 out of 5 kids are in school from 8am-3pm. The other one, my darling 3 year old, is in preschool 9 hours/week - mon/wed/fri 8:45-11:45. With those 9 hours, an afternoon playgroup for my 3 year old on Wednesdays (once every 3 weeks I host the playgroup); my early mornings (home by 7:15/30 at the latest in order to get kids ready and off to school), and with an occasional long morning on Saturday, I can have 20 hours/week to train without taking "mom" time away. My 3 year old is my little buddy the rest of the time during the day and we do dance and gymnastics classes, play with friends, shop at Costco, Target, and the grocery store, cook, clean, and all the other stuff that comes with living in a household of 7.

So today was one of those Wednesdays where Lydia was off to her friend's house after school, until 3 when I would pick her up, and then we go get her siblings from school. That gives me from 8:45-3pm for a long day - and while that is a long day of swimming, biking, and running; for those really long days - it is actually not enough time! So to remedy this, my husband has rearranged his schedule so that he can be the one in the mornings on Wednesdays to get the kids up and off to school. Fewsh! Now I can leave at 5 or 6 am to get all the training in for those days when I have to RIDE 100 MILES and then RUN 10+ afterwards (which is what I needed to do today), or for those days when playgroup is at my house and I have limited time. Unfortunately, we are in Sept and it is still dark at 5 and 6 am. Which means I waited until 6:20 this morning to take off on my bike for my FIRST EVER 100 MILE RIDE.

The Florida Ironman is a FLAT course, but as there is nothing flat around here, my hundred mile ride was full of rolling hills. I did not go into the mountains, I'm no fool! The ascent was still approx 4500 feet total though.  It was tough, but doable. I used the ride to practice my fueling, making sure to drink and eat every 20-30 minutes, 1 PB&H sandwich, 2 slices of banana bread, 6 gels, and 4 water bottles of gatorade over 6 hours and 20 min. I wanted to get off the bike and feel good running. I did a gorgeous ride today, it actually threatened rain ALL day which stressed me out a little bit, and the fact that I did not see even one other cyclist the whole first 94 miles (I guess they all knew it was really supposed to rain, but lucky for me, it did not!)

This is where I get to ride:
Just about a mile or two after I took this picture, there were two deer bucks on the right side of the road about 50 yards in front of me. I slowed, not knowing what they would do, and also to get my phone out to take a picture. They were beautiful, one had medium sized antlers and the other one had smaller ones. They started towards me, which made me slow even more, and then they crossed in front of me about 10 yards away, crossed the street bounding and as hopped right over the wire fence as if it wasn't even there. It was really cool! That was at about mile 75, and I was thinking how lucky I am that I get to do this, in this environment and see the beautiful things around me.

I finished the ride feeling really good. I was very pleased! My awesome running friend met me to run after my ride. She is a wonderful woman to agree to that. She is a faster runner than me, so to run with me after a 100 mile ride, knowing it will be slower than usual - - - - let's just say I LOVE her!! And she actually pushed me to run faster than I ever thought I would after that ride. I was hoping to have a 10 min average for the marathon portion of the Ironman (4:20). In just an open marathon my goal would be 8:30min/mile average (3:45). Today she helped me run at a 9 min/mile pace for 10.5 miles, on hills! I was way stoked on that. Maybe I can run a 4 hour marathon at the Ironman - it is a totally flat course, at sea level. Or maybe today was just extra good because I was stoked on making it all 100 miles on the bike for the first time. Time will tell. All in all, a great day for such a long day.

Today is the first day where I legitimately feel as though I will be able to accomplish the Ironman feat. And maybe even accomplish it well. It is good to gain confidence in training.

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