Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Brick of the Season

Today was gorgeous here in CO (50*s and sunny, no heavy wind (wind is my LEAST favorite!!)). My plan was to go on a nice long (at least for this early in the season) bike ride. My friend came with, always better with a friend. We rode rolling hills for almost 2.5 hours, covering 45 miles - it's amazing how many "country" roads there are when you look for them.

As I neared home, I knew I had time before my girls needed to be picked up so I decided to hop off the bike and run a short hilly loop around my neighborhood (nothing is flat around here). The main problem was that my left foot, from about midway down and through the toes, was completely numb. This happens to me on every long bike ride and while it's not a problem for the bike ride, it becomes quite a nuisance for the run.

Today was particularly bad, I could almost not feel my foot at all, I actually didn't know if I'd make it to the end of my street. But I kept going and eventually it became bearable at least. The loop is 2.4 miles and I averaged an 8:19 pace. I was pleasantly surprised at that, and actually thought my watch was wrong, you know - not connecting with the satellites or something, because it seemed fast to me, and I did not feel like I was going fast. It was hard, as it always is after the bike, but I trudged through and made it home, still unable to feel my toes, but at least the ball of my foot had some feeling at that point.

I guess one of my next stops needs to be the bike store, get those pedals adjusted, or different shoes, or something. I can't do the numb foot thing all the time, it's really a pain!